PE: Suggest an Anime and Manga DD

16 min read

Deviation Actions

cinyu's avatar

Anime And Manga

Hello everyone!
In this journal I'm going to explain how to suggest Daily Deviations based on Anime & Manga only.
For general Daily Deviation suggesting I suggest checking out the Did You Know: Suggesting DDs.

Suggesting Daily Deviations for the Anime and Manga category is really simple.

As a suggester you should be aware that Fan Art is found in our Anime and Manga category. These are called miscats (misplaced deviations). Fan Art miscats can not be featured by the Anime and Manga Community Volunteers cinyu and VelCake as Daily Deviations. Even though they are submitted to Anime and Manga, these suggestions should go to our Fan Art Community Volunteers Lyricanna and Ry-Spirit.

In case you suggest a Fan Art miscat to the Anime and Manga Community Volunteers, we are going to forward it to the Fan Art Community Volunteers. :) It is no biggie.

So, what is actually featured by the Anime and Manga Community Volunteers?
Our Anime and Manga Community Volunteers are looking for original art that's Anime and Manga styled and of course found in our Anime and Manga category.

Sacred Blood by Rheliant Tranquil Ambience by Kaze-Hime
The Decay by wickedalucard pisces by thuyngan Lights by KyouKaraa

How to Suggest Anime and Manga Daily Deviations

STEP 1: Picking a Drawing

Screenshot taken from Tieger and Bunny (!?)

Pick a drawing you think that deserves a Daily Deviation and check what category it is submitted to.
Please make sure it's not a Fan Art miscat. How do you know it is a fan art miscat or original? Most artist give credit. When credit is given to a random Japanese man/woman, a channel or a anime series/manga book title it is fan art!

Some fan art miscats have no credit given, which makes it more complex. But some of them are submitted to fan art groups. You find the groups on the right side of the deviation page, below the "more like this" feature.
There is a feature called Featured in Groups. In this feature you can find all groups the drawing is submitted to.

There are also miscats where no credit is given, it is submitted to no fan art group and no comment from other deviants is given like: "[character name] is really cute! I love the [anime series] so much!!"
There you only can say it is Fan Art when you have seen the series yourself. Nuu

STEP 2: Finding the the Anime and Manga Community Volunteers.

You can find the Anime and Manga Community Volunteers in communityrelations Journal The Community Relations Team.
And in FAQ #18: Who selects Daily Deviations and how are they chosen?

STEP 3: Checking out the Community Volutneers Guidelines

Screenshot taken from cinyu profile.

ALL Community Volunteers have suggestion guidelines. They may be written in a widget on their profile (best example: ry-spirit) OR written in a journal and linked in a widget on their profile.
In my example (see screenshot), the guidelines are written in a Journal. This journal is linked on the Community Volunteers profile in a widget.

Why it is important to check out the Community Volunteer guidelines?
When your suggestion follows the guidelines you have a bigger chance that it will be featured than when you suggest your drawing to a Community Volunteer which guidelines are not matching at all to your Daily Deviation suggestion.
Even Community Volunteers from the same category have a few differences in their guidelines. :shifty:

STEP 4: Send your suggestion note!

Screenshot taken from VelCake profile.
Example drawing Slow Days

I suggest using :bigthumb######: to give the drawing more attention.

© 2014 - 2024 cinyu
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iingo's avatar
I still think suggesters still will have problems with the miscats no matter what if they're submitted to a fan art group. Even the CVs may end up getting confused with the miscats. There was a suggestion I suggested to one of the past Manga CVs and I didn't know it was fan art and she didn't either but she featured it regardless right after we found out. And when there was a DD recently featured in the Manga Category, it was fan art because I checked the groups. 

:bulletyellow:I think people really need to also look out for the groups they're placed in before suggesting something that may be fan art to the CVs as well. That way it can help them be aware if it's fan art or not.

:bulletyellow:Also for when it comes the Manga Placed in the Traditional, Digital Category, or Cartoons and Comics, check the groups. Don't just worry about fan art. I know theifo wrote something about miscats of manga,digital, and cartoons and comics but yet it's still a problem with miscats.

But never the less, I'm sure the miscat will be resolved as well no matter what category it's in since CVs can notify the suggester when it's the wrong category or the staff can fix it.

This is a good article. I'm really glad you mentioned the groups when suggesting DDs.